Winchester u3a Data Usage
Winchester U3A collects data from its members when they join by using an Application Form and a Standing Order Request form.
The data is transferred from the Application Form into a spreadsheet of all members’ data by the Membership Secretary. This consists of:-
Title, Known Name, Initials, Surname, Address, Post Code, Telephone No., Email Address, Joining Date. Gift Aid Date.
On the Application Form members can request a hard copy of the Newsletter and/or Third Age Matters is sent to their address or, alternatively, they can state their preference to access these online. They also give their consent for their data to be used by Winchester U3a and shared with the bulk email company we use for sending out emails to many members at once as well as for the company who prints our newsletter or who oversees the distribution of the Third Age Matters Magazine (if hard copies of these have been requested).
The paper Application Form will be archived as proof of the original Application meeting GDPR requirements. The data will only be used for the following activities:-
• To store it securely for membership purposes.
• To communicate with you as a U3A member.
• To share with group leaders for those groups that you are a member of.
• To send you general information about the Third Age Trust (the national organisation to which U3As are affiliated).
The Standing Order form will be handed to the Member’s Bank to arrange the Standing Order and some of the data held in the Spreadsheet will be extracted and used for the following purposes:-
- To mail copies of the paper Newsletter.
- To mail copies of Third Age Matters
- To email Members using a bulk Email Service provider (this will only be used to
email information related to our U3A activities) - To email Group Leaders using a bulk Email Service provider
- To provide contact details only for members e.g. Members who wish to join a new group.
No other member data will be stored on the website.
Since May 2018, members have been asked to refresh their data and consent for its use to meet the requirements of the new GDPR regulations. This data will be used to update the Membership spreadsheet and then the information archived as proof of the consent meeting GDPR requirements.
Data is held until a member leaves Winchester U3A, when it is deleted from the spreadsheet. The application form will be shredded unless there is a Gift Aid donation, in which case it will be kept for 6 years to satisfy a possible inquiry by the HMRC. A member can change their data or consents at any time by contacting the Membership Secretary. They may also ask for a copy of their data.
More information is available in the Winchester U3A Data Privacy and Data Protection Policies
Last reviewed September 2023