This website has access to an Archive of papers etc relevant to Winchester u3a. The Archive is only accessible by the Winchester u3a Committee via an Archive page.
A number of documents on this website, accessed through links, are formatted in Portable Document Format (.pdf) ; You need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to read these documents. If you do not have this programme, it is available free of charge through this link
AGM Papers
2024 agm | minutes | accounts 2023 |
2023 agm | minutes | accounts 2022 |
2022 agm | minutes | accounts 2021 |
2021 agm | minutes | |
2020 agm | minutes | |
2019 agm | minutes | |
2018 agm | minutes | |
2017 agm | minutes | |
2016 agm | minutes | accounts 2015 |
2015 agm | minutes | accounts 2014 |
The latest version of the Committee Nomination Form is available for nominations at the next AGM. All nominations must be sent to the Secretary at least a month before the next AGM.
A revised Consitution for Winchester U3A was accepted by the Committee in September 2023 meeting and has been made available to members
Latest versions of Committee Members Job Descriptions are now available to members
U3A has a copyright Licence that enables us to copy extracts from books, periodicals and journals published in the UK and some other countries. For further information contact the chair Joan Sherrin.
A Q&A document on insurance of Group activities is available
Advice is available on is the Data Protection Act
An overview on insurance policies provided by The Third Age Trust (TAT) is here.
Advice on Social Events & Travel from TAT is here.
It seems that some members may not be clear about the benefits that affiliation to the Third Age Trust brings us. A list of benefits is here.